The Pet Pardon app lets animal advocates rescue and adopt as well as donate money to give at-risk shelter pets a second chance at life.

Dogs Featured

Browse information all in one place.

Search by breed, dog ID, dog name, status and shelter location. Access extensive details all in one place to share, adopt, rescue or pledge to save a pet!

Custom Filter and Sort

Filter and sort data relevant to you.

Filter by status: adopted, rescued, or at risk. Sort by breed, dog ID, dog name, shelter location, status and total pledged. Get all the information you need to prioritize the ones in imminent danger.

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Dog Details

Quickly favourite, check status and total money pledged.

Favourite the dogs you networked and pledged for and review current status. Prioritize the ones still in need of sharing and pledges.

Share & Pledge Me Feature

Easily share and pledge for dogs in need.

Share dogs to your social networks. Pledge and track directly through the app. Enquire about adopting. Increase the chances to get more adopted or rescued.

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